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Philosophy and Culture

Korotkikh V.I. “Haecceity” as the subject of default: to the question of the relation of A. F. Losev to the transcendental-speculative philosophy of Hegel

Abstract: This article explores the relation of A. F. Losev to the transcendental understanding of being in the philosophy of Hegel. Basing on the observation of V. O. Troitsky, according to which the Russian philosopher avoids using the notion of “haecceity”, the author reveals the position of A. F. Loves regarding Hegel’s philosophy, as well as underlines the specificities of Russian philosophy in the global historical-philosophical process. Special attention is given to the analysis of Hegel’s concept of the structure of reasoning, as well as Losev’s doctrine on correlation of the symbol and artistic image. The author proves that the noted by the Russian researcher peculiarity of Losev’s use of the philosophical terminology is caused by the nonrandom factors, but rather its fundamental position on the key issue of ontology. For the first time in scientific literature, the author reveals the peculiarities of the aesthetical doctrines of the German and Russian philosophers that are substantiated by their ontological preferences. This work also reconstructs the historical-cultural context of the differences, detected between the philosophers, in the assessments of opportunity regarding the philosophical cognition of the Absolute.


symbolism, certainty, structure of reasoning, transcendentalism, Hegel, A. F. Losev, Haecceity, symbol, artistic image, specificities of the Russian philosophy

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