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Philosophy and Culture

Polishchuk V.I., Gumerova G.A. Destiny and Ideas of Philosophy

Abstract: The modern condition of philosophy as a special sphere of research and training course is considered, the concept of 'belief of philosophers' as a self-confidence and faith in themselves and their 'internal person' is applied. Russian professional philosophers knew about such belief, many followed that belief, too, but privately. In their classrooms they spoke of other things such as politics, art, laws of existence and cognition. Thus, true philosophical themes were replaced with the philosophical problems of politics, science, art, etc. There is an opinion that philosophy of culture will be the last philosophy 'of something' and be replaced only with the philosophy of human. In their research the authors have used the analytical and comparative research methods which was determined by the need to define the ideological essence in understanding the real value and problem status of philosophy. The authors conclude that a new idea of philosophy will be education culture as a form of existence created by its carrier and defining, therefore, all originality of humankind. Strictly speaking, even in the systematised modern philosophy of culture still remains within the borders outlined by Hegel. Logically, in the future it will be replaced with philosophy of the person. In this article it is underlined that it should be philosophy not 'about' the person but 'of' the person created by his independent thinking. 


philosophy of culture, idea of philosophy, philosophy, culture, education, standard training, science, belief of philosophers, supression of philosophy, philosophy of the person

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