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Culture and Art

Pudov A.G. Film Form as an Effective Tool of Expression and Modernization of Ethnic Culture

Abstract: This paper contains a generalization of the author's reflections on the products of modern Yakut film-makers and the actual process of creation of film forms in the socio-cultural environment of the North-Eastern region of Russia. Being the factory of dreams and society introspection tool cinematograph fit in very well for organic self-reflection and self-identification of ethnic culture at the turn of the centuries. Complementarity of the cinema and ethnic culture is also dictated by the mechanism of mythologem translation which was and still remains a vivid cultural tool that still preserves the features of folklore, rituals and rites of the traditional epoch. The object of this article is a film production in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) over the last five years. The subject of this article is specific features of film forms combining synthesis of symbolic constructs of universal and local ethnic culture issues and consequently resulting features of the influence of this form on the ethnic culture. In the course of his research Pudov has carried out analysis of particular films regarding whether there are symbols of different nature and philosophical generalization of cultural processes in the region on the whole. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provides a philosophical evaluation of a totally new stage of  the development of Yakutian cinematograph that had declared itself at both Russian and international levels. The author has made conclusions about causes of the ontological regional boom in filmmaking, its potentials in relation to self-identification and culture, and peculiarities of developing a new sociocode of regional culture. 


cinematograph, ethnic culture, ethnocultural modernization, symbolic ontologization, transmigration of symbols, being of ehtnicity, cinema, art, Yakutia, sociocultural transformation

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