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Fetisova E.E. Oleg Chukhontsev's Existentialism: '21 Cases of Narrative Speech'

Abstract: The subject of the present research is the philosophy of existentialism (Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus) in the poetic world of the 'man of the sixties', Oleg Chukhontsev. According to the poetry of neoacmeism, Søren Kierkegaard and Russian existential philosophers (Soloviev, Berdyaev and Shestov), time and space, being and existence, conciousness and individuality, world model and 'intellectual intuition', everyday life and oneurosphere (the sphere of poetic dreams) form an integral synthesis. This synthesis corresponds to the idea of existentials in terms of a poet's mystic world view and becomes a metahistorical or apocalyptical event which contributes, in the first place, to the organic unity of the two artistic systems, structural elements of neoacmeism and surrealism of the Russian type (B. Poplavsky's creative work is an example of such synthesis). The author of the article carries out a detailed analysis of Oleg Chukhontsev's system of genres. The methodological basis of the research includes elements of the biographical and comparative approaches, structural semiotic analysis of existentialists' philosophical research and Oleg Chukontsev's works which, in its turn, involves implicit data of a metapoetic commentary. Finally, the author also uses the method of generalization and the procedure of moving around the hermeneutical circle in order to complete the aforesaid approaches. The author concludes that Oleg Chukhontsev's creative work is a priori existential, it is the 'tragedy of a metaphysical insight', 'mystery of the unconciousness' and opposed to the creative work of another 'man of the sixties' A. Kuchner who was oriented at the philosophical teaching of stoics much more. The virtual, latent dialogue between existential philosophres and neoacmeist poet of the 20th century through time and space represents their cultural, in-depth and ontological interation as one of a very important and necessary moments in interpreting a poetic text. 


persona, Christian gnostic world view, twin, time and space, oneurosphere, surrealism, neoacmeism, Oleg Chukhontsev, existentialism philosophy, man of the sixties

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