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Garin A.F. Implementation of Information and Communication Technologies in Music Education

Abstract: In his article Garin examines opportunities for implementing modern information and communication technologies in music education. The researcher also makes indirect conclusions about using such technologies in musical arts in general. The author analyzes the impact of network and communication technologies on music education and overall teaching process as well as the effect of creation and mass distribution of mobiles on music education. Garin analyzes opportunities of using touch-screens during practical classes as part of music education. The author uses classical pedagogical research methods. Garin also engages psychological and social science methods. He concludes that the creation of mobiles absolutely changed and continues to change music education. Firstly, this is due to the mass distribution of mobiles. Secondly, this is explained by powerful capabilities of these devices that are still being revealed. That entails capabilities of the digital sound processing, using these capabilities in the game format, and using mobiles and their applications as virtual musical instruments and accessory devices (for example, as a rhythmometer). Finally, such features of these devices as their portability, universality and multifunctionality, i.e. combination of several functions in one device, allow to make a statement that modern mobiles will soon take the first place in the music education process.   


communication, virtual musical instrument, application, Internet, smartphone, modern technologies, music education, music, pedagogy, education

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