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Philosophy and Culture

Lutsenko V.E. The doctrine of Maine de Biran about the origin and nature of our cognition

Abstract: The object of this research is the philosophical doctrine of French thinker of the early XIX century – Maine de Biran. The subject of the study is the views of the French philosopher on the origin and nature of human cognition. The author analyzes the works of Maine de Biran, dedicated to the origin and nature of our cognition. Arguing that the only person is capable of understanding itself, and through itself and all that surrounds it. Maine de Biran takes the idea of freedom, which is identical to the philosopher the idea of power and strength. The methodological basis of the study is the scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as phenomenological, bibliography and comparative-historical research methods. The author's special contribution into this work consists in the analysis of the major works of French and Russian philosophers of the early XIX century: Maine de Biran, Adolf Frank, A. I. Vvedenskiy, as well as the translation and analysis of works of the French scholar that have yet to be published.


human essence, true activity, freedom, phenomenon, effort of will, cognitive processes, philosophical mysticism, spiritualism, spiritual life, psychological nature

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