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Culture and Art

Rozin V.M. The Studio of Musical Movement and Improvisation 'Heptahor' as a Collective Author of a New Art Form

Abstract: In the article the author shares his observations on the performance studio "Heptahor". Along with the strong impression from what he saw, he raises three issues relating to the perception and understanding of the genre of musical movement. It is hypothesized that the audience in this case met with a new kind of art. Further, the hypothesis explained and justified. The main themes are: explanation of features of musical movement, creation of a new art form, analysis of the musical reality that is emerging in the genre of musical movement, role of comprehension and interpretation of music played to the musical movement. As a result of the study the author proves his hypothesis. In his study Rozin introduces the ideas of humanitarian and hermeneutical approaches and offers his own interpretations of the plastic performances 'The Birth of the Sun' after Igor Stravinsky's ballet 'The Rite of Spring' and 'Apollo's Principle' after Igor Stravinsky's ballet 'Apollon Musaget'. In general, the author continues to develop his humanitarian methodology. As a result of the research the author has been ablel to demonstrate that it was indeed a new art form, to describe features of the musical movement as a new art form, how  a new art form and reality have been developed within the framework of the musical movement and what intellectual and spiritual grounds supported that development. 


ballet, work, interpretation, personality, aesthetics, performance, movement, music, dance, musical movement

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