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Philosophy and Culture

Kocherov S.N. Hamlet's "philosophy of life": trials of absolute values

Abstract: The object of the research is the image of Hamlet in the eponymous tragedy after W. Shakespeare. The subject of the research is the philosophy of the Prince of Denmark represented by a system of values the character puts to the test by his own life. The author examines thoroughly why the wisdom of Hamlet can be understood as philosophy in the sense of worldview and mindset, as well as analyzes the values that influenced the way the protagonist accomplished his mission. These values include the belief in God, love, power, glory, honour. A particular emphasis is given to proving the pan-human importance of "the Hamlet doctrine" as interpreted by the author. The methods applied are the historical-cultural reconstruction of the imagery, the systems approach to the research topic, the philosophical interpretation of the literary text, extrapolation, axiological analysis, ethical synthesis. The main research findings are: Hamlet's philosophizing can be characterized as a special type of worldview philosophy known as "philosophy of life"; in his conduct, Hamlet follows certain values that are put to the test in the accomplishment of the mission imposed on the protagonist. The author's particular contribution to the researched topic is the demonstration of the contradictory nature of influence these values have on Hamlet's personality and actions. The academic novelty of the research is found in the approach to the contemplations of the Prince of Denmark based on the analysis of his philosophy as manifestation of the certain system of values.


the doctrine of Hamlet, ethics of duty, ethics of revenge, honor, glory, power, faith in God, love, the system of values, Hamlet as a philosopher

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