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Philosophy and Culture

Kaminskaya E.A. Anthropological dimensions of the cultural concepts of traditional folklore

Abstract: The subject of this research is the texts of traditional folklore in its anthropological aspects, which reveal ontological-conceptual, symbolic-conceptual, and procedural-conceptual sides. Special attention is given to the analysis of specific position of the traditional folklore in the history of culture and contemporary cultural space, as well as to the description of various points of view upon this problem, which confirm the tendency of complication of the sociocultural existence. The author provides argumentation that the traditional folklore with regards to the modern culture, represents a rather controversial, complex, multi-aspect, and accelerated in its history phenomenon. The major goal of the article consists in the following: to prove the polysymbolic content of folklore actions and possibility of their realization under the conditions of modern culture, using the exemplificative approach. The author underlines the importance of using the methods of cultural anthropology. This article reveals the cultural concepts of the traditional folklore through the prism of anthropological constants and description of its symbolic sound.


Procedural-conceptual aspects, Symbolic-conceptual aspects, Ontological-conceptual aspects, Tradition, Traditional culture, Traditional folklore, Cultural concepts, Symbols, Customs, Initiations

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