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Culture and Art

Permilovskaya A.B. Russian North is a Specific Code of Cultural Memory

Abstract: The research subject is the features of the formation of a unique mental and socio-cultural concept of the Russian North. The research object is the Russian North concept as a specific code of the Russian cultural memory. The article is based on the use of a combination of methods: system, historical typological, cultural-historical, social-cultural, ethnic-cultural analysis, semiotics and art criticism. The empirical base of the research is 34 architectural-ethnographic expeditions during which 368 settlements of the Arkhangelsk, Vologda regions and Karelia were studied. The source of research includes archival materials and museum collections of Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk, Vologda, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg. In accordance with the objectives, "the Russian" (European) North" concept structure is considered as well as its territorial, ethno-cultural boundaries in the context of the historical formation and settlement of the lands north of the Russian ethnos. The research also covers the northern ecumene where a special type of mentality was developed based on Orthodox religion and the monastic area, "the Northern (Russian) Thebaid" was created. According to the author, the basis of the "Russian North" cultural code was the absence of serfdom and the Mongol-Tatar yoke, the spread of the Old Belief and long-term preservation of traditions of zemsky self-government. The study indicates the formation of a special ethnic group called “Pomors”. They have developed invaluable experience of survival and economic activities in the Arctic extreme conditions, free trade with the European countries and the presence of pidgin. This allows to make the following assumption: the Russian North people were more citizens of the world, than servile citizens of the Russian Empire. The result of the study and conclusion is that in the last two centuries the Russian North has become a stable word combination characterizing the component of the Russian mentality and the concept reflecting the ideas that are important for the Russian culture. The Russian North has played an outstanding role in the becoming of the national consciousness and takes one of the major places on the Russian cultural map. 


pidgin, Russian North, Russia, cultural code, mentality, Orthodoxy, Pomors, people of the world, Old Belief, Russian (Northern) Thebaid

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