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Software systems and computational methods

Bondarenko M.A., Drynkin V.N. Evaluation of composite image information value in multispectral vision systems

Abstract: The subject of the research is the algorithms for evaluating the information value of composite images. Composite images are formed by multispectral vision systems including multispectral enhanced vision systems used in aviation. These systems show the external space for pilots even in bad weather conditions or late at night, thus increasing operational capacities of aerial vehicles. These systems combine information incoming from physically different sensors into one composite image that is supposed to have essential information features coming from all combined video channels. The research is b ased on the computer modeling of image combination in the two-zone TV-thermal enhanced vision system using the actual images made by the visual sensors. The authors offer a new structural-semantic qualitative evaluation of the information value of composite images based on the preservation (distortion) of various information depending on their spectral energy and space characteristics. Based on the aforesaid method of evaluating the information value, the authors compare different methods of combination of images for the two-zone enhanced vision systems.


image analysis, evaluation of the information value, information value of images, visual perception, composite images, combination of images, human-machine interfaces, computer vision systems, multispectral system, enhanced vision systems

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