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Philosophy and Culture

Nikolaeva E.V. Concept of fractality in the post-nonclassical philosophy of culture

Abstract: Concept of fractality in the post-nonclassical philosophy of culture This article suggests a concept of cultural fractality as a theoretical instrument of description and modelling of the “chaotic” dynamics of sociocultural processes. The subject of this research is the culture, which is examined from the perspective of post-nonclassical philosophy as a complicated linear system that is based on the principles of self-similarity and autopoiesis. The goal of this work is the determination of the evristical abilities of the developed by the author concept, according to which the fundamental definitions of the fractal geometry – fractal, fractal patterns, multifractal, strange attractors – in their philosophical reasoning can be used in the explanatory model for a number of sociocultural phenomena. From the perspective of the concept of fractality, the observed on different levels of cultural system repeating patterns of the ancient and modern sociocultural practices, are interpreted as a part of a conceptual (multi) fractal of the entire local, and even world culture. The main conclusion consists in the fact that within the terms of fractal patterns and strange attractors we can analyze separate cultural phenomena (for example, modern urban culture), sociocultural processes, which simultaneously carry “chaotic” and “cyclic” character (sociocultural transmission, “algorithms” of spread and changes of fashion, etc.), as well as the entire historical dynamics of culture in both, its local versions, as well as in the most broad dimension of the global sociocultural development. The concept of fractality explains the variety of local cultures in the world, and the simultaneous stability and uncertainty of the cultural-historical process, as well as periodic reproduction within culture and society of the symbolic patterns of previous eras.


Sociocultural attractors, Order parameters, Historical cultural dynamics, Sociocultural transmission, Fractal cultural patterns, Conceptual fractals, Fractality of culture, Digital humanities, Transdisciplinary cultural researches, Post-nonclassical philosophy of culture

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