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Philosophy and Culture

Nilogov A.S. What is the philosophy of anti-language?

Abstract: This article examines the question on the need of substantiation of such new section in philosophy as the philosophy of anti-language. This rises a problem of anti-language existence as a semiotic reality, on the surface of which there are natural human languages, nominating within the being only what is subjected to the signifying titling. Outside of the natural human languages is the area of unnamed and unnamable, which comprises the concept and methodology of the anti-language. The author interprets the anti-language as a combination of classes of anti-words, which allow nominating various spheres of presemiotic.  Problematization of the ontological status of the words, taking into account the action of the principle “initial delay” within the metaphysical tradition of presence/absence, is the main task for the solution of the anti-language methodology. The article claims the new philosophical discipline – the philosophy of anti-language, the subject of which became the studying of the foundations and limits of the semiotic nomination on the natural human language and dependencies of the cognitive process of the anti-language. On the example of the three types of anti-words, the author demonstrates the significative inappropriateness of a language (in particular, Russian languages) for the purpose of working with the corresponding referents.


Language philosophy, Anti-language philosophy, Anti-language, Anti-word, Type of anti-words, Derrida, Principle of “initial delay”, Descombes, Inappropriateness, Genealogism

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