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International Law and International Organizations

Kashirkina A.A., Morozov A.N. The promotion of global and regional international legal regulation in the field of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of natural and technogenic catastrophes

Abstract: This article examines the questions of international participation of the Russian Federation in the area of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of natural and technogenic character, as well as carrying out of emergency rescue missions. Analysis is conducted on both, multilateral and bilateral international agreements of the Russian Federation in this sphere. In order to improve the international legal regulation in this field, as well as to fill-in the separate lacunas of international law, the authors prepared two drafts of international law of both, universal and regional character; more precisely: Draft UN Convention on Prevention and Liquidation of the Aftermath of Technogenic and Natural Catastrophes, as well as the Draft Treaty on Coordinated Approaches of the Member-States of Eurasian Economic Union towards Prevention and Liquidation of Emergency Situations of Natural and Technogenic Character and Carrying Out Emergency Rescue Missions. The Draft UN Convention on Prevention and Liquidation of the Aftermath of Technogenic and Natural Catastrophes is called to fill-in the gap on the level of universal international law regulation under the aegis of the United Nations, since the issues regulated in the UN Convention draft has yet to find the reflection in the international treaty of a universal character; in other words, in an international legal act that is represented by the vast majority of the world’s countries.


Russian Federation, challenges, security, competent authorities, rescue operations, natural disasters, catastrophes, emergency situations, United Nations, Eurasian Economic Union

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