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Scientific notes of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music

Lopushanskaya S.M. Means of performer interpretation and the tasks of the pianist in the chamber instrumental music of Olivier Messiaen

Abstract: This article is devoted to the means of performer interpretation and the tasks of the pianist in the instrumental chamber music of French composer Olivier Messiaen. The author discusses the particularities of tempo, dynamics, articulation, pedaling and the special instructions by the composer in the compositions under review. The main performance problems of ensemble play related to the achievement of tempo-rhythmic, dynamic and bar unity are indentified, and the author offers a number of practical tips for overcoming tempo and rhythmic complexities. In addition, attention is drawn to the strictly pianistic tasks in the chamber instrumental works of Messiaen.The article applies musicological methods which allow analysis in detail of the means of performer interpretation; when contrasting compositions with one other, the comparative method is widely used.The author concludes that the tempo-rhythmic component of compositions is the most difficult for performers, which becomes particularly apparent in ensemble play. A variety of dynamic nuances requires from the pianist subtle gradations of touch correlated with the overall sound balance of the ensemble. Articulation tasks are resolved from both the instrumental ensemble’s composition and the functions of the piano part, which is characterized by a gradual transition from the tonal unity with the instruments to a timbre opposition to them.


dynamics, tempo, performance, chamber ensemble, chamber-instrumental compositions, piano, O. Messiaen, articulation, pedal, special composer instructions

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