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Scientific notes of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music

Susidko I.P. Italian church music of the 18th century: on styles, genres and regional traditions

Abstract: This article is devoted to the Italian church music of the 18th century, in particular to problems of correlation between the "old" and "new" styles of writing: stile antico, preserving the principles of Renaissance polyphony, and stile moderno, guided by new, more open standards and the stylistics of secular genres, above all opera. Interpretations are presented of the genre of the Mass (Messa concertata) and the small church genres, and of the specific nature of certain centers of church music (Rome, Bologna, Venice and Naples). Particular attention is paid to sacred music by A. Lotti, A. Vivaldi, L. Leo, G.B. Pergolesi and B. Galuppi.The article employs a comparative methodology and historical approach, which is manifested in particular in its reliance on theoretical concepts common in the 18th century.This is the first examination of 18th century Italian church music to consider the entire phenomenon from the perspective of the coexistence of regional traditions as well as from the standpoint of the relations of the "archaic" and the "new" within it. The author concludes that this music was going through a critical period in its history, while in many ways remaining "in the shadow" of the opera.


F. Durante, L. Leo, A. Vivaldi, A. Lotti, the motet, the Mass, 18th century, Italian church music, G.B. Pergolesi, B. Galuppi

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