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International Law and International Organizations

Zverev P.G. On the distinction between international and domestic armed conflicts within the context of UN international peacekeeping

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the research of international and domestic armed conflicts in order to distinguish the two from the positions of international peacekeeping. The doctrinal positions on this issue are subjected to a critical analysis. The goal of this research is to determine the significant difference between the international and domestic armed conflicts for the subject of applicability of norms of the international humanitarian law towards the peacekeepers participating in such conflicts. A special attention is given to the rulings of international judicial institutions on the questions of qualification of armed conflicts as domestic. The international legal and comparative analysis of international and domestic armed conflicts within the context of international peacekeeping is being conducted for the first time within the Russian juridical doctrine. Based on the analysis of international legal acts and documents, as well as opinions of reputable international jurists the author determines the main criteria, which in his opinion should serve as the basis for the distinction.


International Court of Justice, human rights law, international humanitarian law, distinction, UN, peacekeeping, armed conflict, ICTY, former Yugoslavia, Geneva conventions

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