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Philosophy and Culture

Medova A.A. On the Definition of Modus in Logical, Linguistic and Music Culture

Abstract: The term 'modus' has a long history and is widely used in different sciences and cultural practices. The modal approach is actively applied in psychology, social studies, logic, art history, philology and other humanitarian sciences. Modus is used in philosophy, too. However, each science has a particular meaning of modus. For example, harmonic modus in music is totally different from perception modalities or voices in grammar. The term 'modus' means absolutely different phenomena in particular branches of science.  Thus, the meaning of the term 'modus' is quite difficult to be defined and involves diferent concepts and phenomena. The research subject of the present article is the general meaning of the term 'modus' in different spheres of science and culture.  The definition of modus is given based on the comparison of different definitions of modus in Russian-English and Russian-German practice of translation and interpretation as well as on the analysis of this term in logic, music theory of rhythm and tonality and grammar. As a result, the general meaning of the term 'modus' is defined as a form of existence, image, manifestation and discovery. The researcher also finds the essential feature of modus. Describing manifestation of a phenomenon, modus also describes what is being manifested, and therefore modus refers to a phenomenon as the essence.  The term 'modus' does not define an accidental or temporary condition or transformation of the essence. On the contrary, modus means a principal form of existence and openness for the being as it is. Modes are usually created as a result of comparison of phenomena or plans and therefore modus can be defined as a structural-sense relation that independently exists in a particular image or form. 


modus, modality, musical modus, modal harmony, logical modality, modus of syllogism, inclination, modus-dictum relations, modal verb, trope

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