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Philosophy and Culture

Nurulla-Hodjaeva, N. T. Heuristic Potential of the Philosophical Cultural Analysis of the Central Asian Community

Abstract: Central Asian states have been going through many crises lately. Some of these crises are more than evident. This includes the crisis of generations, bellicosity of religious groups and the crisis of confidence which can be clearly seen among Tadjiks after the civil war (1992 – 1997). Some manifestations of crisis (for example, problems with the national concept and disagreements between member states) can be described as ‘structural’, i.e. influencing transformation of social relations. We assume that the aforesaid questions can be solved if political leaders are intelligent and decisive enough. Moreover, each state has financial capacities to solve these issues. However, cultural crisis still remains and this is the more profound and continued issue. The reason is that the modern world tends to choose more radical paths and go beyond morals or culture. This leads to the loss of a traditional pattern which was based on the established moral community system adopted in Central Asia. The traditional pattern is replaced with hedonism which withdraws us from understanding historical consequences of immorality and all-permissiveness. The author assumes that the cultural crisis of the region can be less painful if the local community takes part in solving the aforesaid issues. The importance of theoretical and methodological principles of analyzing a community has the two interrelated aspects: 1) individual should be viewed as a member of the community; 2) the author declares the importance of a number of values that are usually less demanded in individual philosophy; these values include mutual respect, tradition, virtue and others, i.e. the ethic principles that can function and be used by modern actors. The scientific novelty of the article is in the system analysis of the philosophical and cultural potential of the Central Asian community. Conclusion: Central Asian peoples should not lose their community culture and the feeling of internal balance. When a person loses that feeling, he tends to fill in the emptiness inside him with goods or manipulates his identity working himself into euphoric dissolution with the community. This leads to the development of hedonism and totalitarianism. Therefore, it is necessary for the community to search for their own model of glocalization (globalization plus localization) when global and local processes are not opposed to each other. In her article the author talks about creating a new social and cultural balance that unites the process of modernization of local social institutions with the innovations of the global multi-cultural civilization.


community, morals, culture, individualism, Islam, tradition, communitarianism, memory, Mahalla, variety.

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