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International Law and International Organizations

Egorov, S.A. Hybrid (mixed) tribunals and courts

Abstract: The hybrid (mixed) tribunals are bodies of international criminal justice, activities and competence of which are regulated with the combination of national and international norms. Internationalized national criminal courts form a type of mixed courts, and they are understood as national courts having jurisdiction over the cases involving international crimes. The international judges and national judges are both involved in the work of these courts. The said matter makes the mixed courts different from the international criminal ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. After several years of work of the ad hoc tribunals, there came up discussions on their formation in Sierra-Leone, Burundi, Congo, East Timor, Cambodia, etc. It showed that the international community has found the political will for solving these problems, and it also showed the quest of certain persons and whole nations for justice. The article concerns specific features of formation and work of the mixed courts and tribunals in the above-mentioned states.


Hybrid (mixed) courts, tribunals, Sierra-Leone, Burundi, Congo, East Timor, Charter, judicial proceedings, criminal indictment, judicial chamber.

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