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Philosophy and Culture

Zvonova, E. E. Alexander Chizhevsky’s Metaphysical Views on Human in Terms of Modern Science

Abstract: The given article presents an attempt to describe Chizhevsky’s philosophical and anthropological views in terms of modern science. The importance of the research is caused by the fact that there were certain views and opinions of Chizhevsky that had a heuristic value for the science. Moreover, those views and opinions are proving to be true by the modern (scientific and other) theories and practices which allows us to see them in a different light today. Therefore, the present research is important for both science and philosophy. Chizhevsky’s metaphysical views on human are being analyzed taking into account the history of the development of the main grounds of the global evolutionism (the theory of the evolution of the Universe and synergetic studies). The following methods were used in the research: analysis of text- based sources (including materials from the funds of the 1703 Archive of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation), comparison, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, classification, generalization and historical method. The scientific novelty of the research is in the successive and systematic analysis of Chizhevsky’s philosophical and anthropological views in terms of the universal evolutionism, i.e. the most important paradigm of modern science allowing to create the general scientific picture of the world. The general conclusion made by the researcher is that Alexander Chizhevsky’s metaphysical views on human specify and develop modern concepts. The only exception is Chizhevsky’s deterministic approach to human and the antinomia of science and humanity reflected in Chizhevksy’s works.


philosophy, philosophical anthropology, cosmism, Chizhevsky, science, universal evolutionism, evolution of the Universe, synergetic studies, determinism, accident.

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