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Culture and Art

Rozin, V. M. Reflections on Modern Art

Abstract: The article is devoted to the essence of art in general and special features of modern art I particular. The author differentiates between traditional art, Gestell art and post-modernity art. Gestell art has the following typical features: breaking of old bonds and relations of art with other spheres of life (for example, disruption of the ‘artist – audience’ communication and transformation of the ‘artistic reality – regular reality’ relation), the crisis of the classical concept of art (including the terms of artwork and esthetic subject), definition of functions of art in terms of Gestell, i.e. linking art to regular life (art as creating a special environment for working, as a special social optics and a form of organization of life and activity) and finally, technification of art when art is started to be perceived as a special semiotic and psychotechnical technology. An important mission of modern art is to help human to revive his feelings and emotions and the other mission of art is to create special conditions for his traveling through unusual and interesting worlds. The second part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the essence of the ‘Science Art’ work where art, technology and science increasingly interlock within the framework of modern alternative experimental art. In order to achieve the above mentioned goals, the author carries out problematisation, implements methods of comparative analysis of historical forms of art and performs conceptual analysis. As a result, he manages to differentiate between and define traditional art, Gestell art and post-modernity art as well as to touch upon the problem of responsibility of a modern artist. According to the author, the modern artist faces a principal choice: what life style and future will he work for? A new stage in the development of art assumes that we will review and build new relations with art, technology, science and ourselves.


art, Gestell, post-moderity, interpretation, life-sustaining activity, implementation, reality, science, technology, imitation.

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