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Philosophy and Culture

Spirova, E. M. At the Center of Social Illusions (On the 30th Anniversary of the Release of Pavel Gurevich’s Book ‘Social Mythology’)

Abstract: The author of the article suggests to discuss a wide circle of issues related to public ideological processes. The reason for discussion is the book ‘Social Mythology’ written by Pavel Gurevich and published about 30 years ago. The author of the present article notes that Gurevich’ book was in all appearances the first research of the phenomenon of social mythology in Russian philosophy. Back in those times Gurevich could not analyze myths of the communist ideology and therefore he could not provide a critical overview of the concept of scientific ideology. However, a reader with a sharp mind could understand that the phenomenon of social mythology was quite universal. In his later work Pavel Gurevich often touched upon the same matter again and extended the concept of public ideological processes. It can be clearly seen in the materials selected for conducting ‘Round Tables’ under the guidance of Pavel Gurevich and printed in the Analyst Bulletin Journal. In her research the author of the article uses the method of historical analysis which allows to describe different stages of formation of social mythology and understand special features of each period. The novelty of the present research is the creation of a common and clearly established understanding of the role of social mythology in this day and age. The author also touches upon particular polemic issue that could be developed further.


philosophy, politics, ideology, ‘false consciousness’, ‘ideological criticism’, re-ideologization, social mythology, idea, public spirit, social practice.

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