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Philosophy and Culture

Popov, E. A. Art: Dialogue between State, Society and Human

Abstract: Today’s social and humanitarian science does not fully consider the problems of art development. Art development is usually studied in philosophy and art history. However, art as the phenomenon of social human life and a system of communication between society, state and human can present academic interest for other spheres of knowledge, for example sociology of culture, sociology of art and social cultural studies. The author of the present article raises a question about dialogue existence of art where art is viewed not as the phenomenon of art communication but as a form of interaction between state, society and human. Special attention is paid at the reasons that make it possible for art to exist at the level of efficient interaction between state, society and human. A good dialogue in this system of communication can create the environment where the ‘humanitarian’ image of art is preserved.


culture, art, social world, dialogue, state, society, human, communication, distinctive character of art, total sociality.

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