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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich, P. S. Intellectual Bravery

Abstract: The article contains appraisal of great and efficient work carried out by a famous Russian philosopher Viktor Pavlovich Vizgin who translated and provided his own comments on selected art5icles by Gabriel Marcel. Noteworthy that interest towards writings of the French philosopher has appeared in our country just recently. Yes, his articles have become the field of many serious researches over the last decade. The author of the present article believes Viktor Vizgin to be the best and the most efficient researchers of Marcel’s writings. Not only the choice of articles by Gabriel Marcel included but also Viktor Vizgin’s comments are worthy of respect and admiration. Translator’s remarks are not just references, they show Viktor Vizgin’s high cultural and philosophical level. Viktor Vizgin does not only explain peculiarities of this or that writing by Gabriel Marcel, he summarizes and makes conclusions about particular writing and creative legacy of Gabriel Marcel in general. Viktor Vizgin also points out particular mistakes of translators, commentators and philosophers who analyzed Gabriel Marcel’s work. Gabriel Marcel was very responsive towards views and ideas of his contemporaries. It allowed him to correct his own views and improve his own conceptions. Viktor Vizgin managed to show us a broad philosophical background of Marcel’s ideas that touched upon not only existentialism, but also personalism, hermeneutics, phenomenology and philosophical anthropology. Viktor Vizgin also underlines the value of intellectual portraits of Shelling, Bergson, Ebner, Heidegger, and etc. Enclosed you shall also find analytical articles written by Western philosophers (Paul Ricoeur, Jean-Baptiste Alexandre Le Blond and Viktor Vizgin himself).


philosophy, being, transcendence, personality, sacrality, desacralization, technical devices, metaphysics, philosopher’s search, mystery.

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