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Philosophy and Culture

Zalozhnykh, Yu. S. Slavophiles and Neoslavophiles: The Problem of Category Content in Spiritual Practice of the Russian Society

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of singular terminology of Slavophilism and Neoslavophilism. The author of the article describes how these two movements developed and were related to each other. The author describes the general features as well as the main, fundamental difference in theoretical heritage of the main founders of early Slavophilism, late Slavophilism, Pochvennichestvo and modern Neoslavophilism of the XXI century. The author of the article underlines that today it is impossible to solve the main problems and key issues of history and culture raised by the first Slavophiles in the XIX century. The author of the article formulates a series of general provisions of early Slavophilism that are mandatory for all modern Slavophilism theories (critics of mindless imitation of Western experience, idea of the distinctive character and origin of the Russian culture, acceptance of Orthodoxy as the spiritual basis for our national culture and etc.). The author shows how topical and important these ideas are for today’s society and how these ideas can be used for formation of a perspective model of Russia’s future development.


slavophiles, neoslavophiles, distinctive character, culture, tradition, succession, world view, perspective, Orthodoxy, modern age.

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