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Philosophy and Culture

Vorontsova, I. V. Marcel Herbert’s Symbolism and Christian Modernism

Abstract: Ideological grounds of Roman-Catholic Modernism and Russian Christian Modernism (‘Neo- Christianity’) doctrines included symbolism. The article raises a question about M. Herbert’s ‘symbolism’ and its role for the Russian Christian modernism combined with the problems of traditional religious consciousness during that period (1880-1910) The author also touches upon the relation between Catholic modernism and Herbert’s philosophy. French modernism was closely connected with pragmatism and Russian researchers studied both phenomena at the same time. Discussion of the Russian religious intelligentsia (1909-1910) turned out to be related to epistemological problem just as Herbert imaged. Both Herbert and modernists became disappointed in ‘symbolism’ as a mediatory mean of denoting the transcendental.


philosophy, Neo-Christianity, Herbert, symbolism, Divine, Savoyard symbol, Modernism, Merezhkovsky, theology, consciousness.

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