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Philosophy and Culture

Chuprina, A. A. Philosophical Content of Understanding of the Family as an Indicator of the Cultural Development of the Society

Abstract: The article is devoted to the peculiarities of functioning of the family as the most significant factor of the cultural development of the society. The author of the article also studies the socio-philosophical concept of the comprehension of interdependence of the cultural processes in the society and the family from the point of view of the axiological approach. The author also analyzes the influence of objective factors of social development on the cultural content of the family in this day and age. The author focuses on the relevance and importance of the designated problems taking into account socio-cultural transformations. The problem is viewed through the prism of spirituality, the latter performing the role of the original basis in the methodology of studying humans and society.


philosophy, family, culture, cultural process, value, spirituality, indicator, being, good morals, form.

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