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Philosophy and Culture

Kuchinov, A. M. Approach to Analyzing Political Developments Through Their Relation to Socio-Cultural Dynamics as an Alternative to ‘Political Culture’ Approach

Abstract: The given article views theoretical aspect of studying the influence of socio-cultural factors on political developments. The author of the given article describes the limitations of the ‘political culture’ approach that prevails in Russian and foreign political science today. Since the mentioned approach is not sufficient, the author proves that it is necessary to view dynamics of interaction between political developments and socio-cultural factors over time because culture and politics have always been dynamic phenomena. The author also makes a summary of how this issue relates to such social phenomena as dynamics of political regimes, influence of ethnic, linguistic, socialstratification and religious features on political developments, influence of the level of common wealth, geographic determinism, political and other cultural rituals, international relations, negotiations, identity, separatism, influence on educational policy, up-bringing and etc. The author of the article also talks about practical application of studied theories to solving topical issues of modern policy.


cultural studies, culture, cultural dynamics, political culture, political developments, social dynamics, socio-cultural dynamics, socio-cultural factors, theory of culture, theory of politics.

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