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Culture and Art

Zubkov, N. N. «Credo» and «Cogito» as a Historical and Cultural Issue

Abstract: Participants of the conference ‘Philosophical Thought and Religious Experience’ devoted to the memory of a philosopher, theologian and historian Nikolay Zernov discussed the relation between religion and knowledge in different cultures and epochs. They analyzed philosophical meaning of the Biblical commandments, the role of religious experience for the leaders of the Bengal Renaissance, types of religious mind in modern Russian society, religion and knowledge as the main concepts in history of European thought and etc. The relation between knowledge and religion was shown as one of the most important dogmatic and at the same time creative collusions in history of the world culture in general and Russian culture in particular.


cultural studies, culture, religion-knowledgephilosophy, science and myth, religious experience, conventional thinking, gnosis, polydiscourse, Vladimir Soloviev, Nikolay Zernov.

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