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Culture and Art

Akopyan, K. Z. The World Perceived Sub Specie Culturae or the Space of Creating Spirit

Abstract: The author analyses the most typical examples of definitions of the subject of cultural studies found in the latest methodological-educational literature. Based on this analysis, the author proposes a thesis about a need to expand the scope of the subject of cultural studies and include, along with the term ‘culture, the term ‘civilization ’ and a new term which the author calls “nonculturenoncivilization ”. In the author’s opinion, this term covers a) the “lining” of the life of the society, b) those extrasocial sources and roots owing to which, from the author’s point of view, culture originates, and c) uber-social sphere which first of all includes the Highest Values that cannot be formalized. The position of a researcher, which presupposes consideration of all elements incorporated in the subject of cultural studies through the prism of culture, plays a decisive role in the author’s approach.


cultural studies, subject, cultural, culture, nonculture, civilization, non-civilazation, pre-social, ubersocial, antinomic.

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