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Culture and Art

Sidorova, G. P. Values of Soviet Economic Culture in Popular Art During 1960–1980: Profession

Abstract: The article is devoted to special features of art representations of professions as a value of economic culture in Soviet arts during 1960 – 1980. Art representations depict peculiarities of different professions from the point of view of their value for economic benefits. To achieve the set goals, the author uses the official Soviet social structure “2+1” and axiological typology of actors of the Soviet economic culture depending on axiological value of economic activity: ‘builder of communism’, ‘honest worker’ and ‘every man’. Representations of professions in art is viewed from the point of view of their dynamics since the Khrushchev Thaw until the 70th from two points of view: ideological (official) and everyday (practical). Representations of professions in art reß ect typological features of the Soviet economic culture during 1960–1980, the shift from social to traditional values and values of consumer society.


cultural research, culture, Soviet, econo mic, values, profession, popular, art, representation.

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