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Philosophy and Culture

Koptseva, N. P. Methodological Opportunities of Social (Cultural) Anthropology for Modern Cultural Research

Abstract: The author of the article discusses the problem of selecting methods for modern cultural research including applied cultural studies of regional processes in culture. In this regard, the author suggests to use more opportunities of the British social (cultural) anthropology and the method of functionalism suggested by a British social anthropologist Alfred Reginald Radcliff-Brown. It is assumed that for Russian cultural research which is included towards theorization and even scholasticism it is very important to adopt the tradition of empiric cultural research including field studies and draw out these or those theoretical provisions based on accurate inductive generalization. Combination of applied and theoretical methods in cultural research can help to create a modern educational process for cultural research students at modern Russian Universities. Applied cultural research is an essential component of quality education in the sphere of culture. Induction method of cultural research is quite popular at a modern stage of development of Russian cultural science. Opportunities of this approach can be revealed through understanding of cultural anthropological models for analyzing social and cultural realities in the Russian Federation.


cultural research, education in culture, cultural education, methodology, methods of cultural research, Alfred Reginald Radcliff-Brown, L. White, induction method, structuralism, functionalism, applied cultural researches.

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