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Philosophy and Culture

Morkina, Yu. S. B. Latour. Attempt of a New Look on People and Material Things in a Scientific Research

Abstract: Starting from the middle of the 20th century, philosophers have been discussing the role of social factors in the history of science. Social epistemology have become a logical continuation of this discussion about the ‘social nature of science’. However, this scheme of ‘classical and social epistemologies’ is too narrow to understand such a philosopher as B. Latour. In his conception he went outside the borders both classical and social epistemologies. In the 20th century researches do not stop at the stage of non-classical epistemology, either. They go further and begin to question ideas of non-classical epistemology as well.


philosophy, science, theory of the actor-net, subject, object, society, nature, the first principle of symmetry, the second principle of symmetry, post-nonclassical epistemology.

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