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Philosophy and Culture

Chertkov, S. V. V. P. Sventsitsky, his Followers and Epigoni (I. A. Ilyin, D. S. Merezhkovsky, N. A. Berdyaev)

Abstract: Based on the studies of the archives, the author dispels certain myths about V. P. Sventsitsky’s biography. The article describes the genesis of his relations with Russian religious philosophers of the beginning of the 20th century and evident influence on the latter. It is the first description of the Christian preacher’s contribution to theology and philosophy. The author also gives a full insight into Sventsitsky’s basic ideas and teaching including the social program and teaching about freedom and eschatology. The author speaks of the need to include Sventsitsky in encyclopedias and to study his teachings at higher schools.


philosophy, Sventsitsky, freedom, creativity, power, war, eschatology, theology, Christianity, sociality

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