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Bukalerova, L.A. Problems of fi ghting intermediary in bribery in foreign states and international standards for fi ghting corruption.

Abstract: It should be noted that membership of the Russian Federation in a number of international organizations imposes many international legal obligations on it, including those in the sphere of fi ghting corruption within the state service system. It may be proven by ratifi cation of the UN Convention against Corruption in 2006. That is why, studying the norms of international law containing legal means of its prevention and interception forms a priority direction for the studies in the sphere of fi ghting corruption. A number of legal and organizational events may be held in this sphere: holding scientifi c studies of corruption problems, mutual consultations in the sphere of fi ghting corruption. The methodological basis for the article was formed with the modern achievements of the cognition theory. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specifi c sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). Consultations on the problems of national and international corruption could have aided the states in joining their efforts for the sake of prevention and interception of corruption, forming databases on national laws, forms, methods and means of prevention and interception of corruption, providing assistance in choice and training of the personnel for the anticorruption campaigns, as well as the development of anti-corruption standards for the behavior of public servants and anti-corruption expertise of legal norms, etc.


corruption, bribery, tampering, fi ghting, standard, counteraction, offi cial, the UNO, crime, position.

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