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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

A.A. Paramonova The Psychoanalytic Discourse in Russia about a Child Growing up in the Second Decade of the Twentieth century (Celebrating the Centennial of the Child Psychoanalysis Establishment in Russia)

Abstract: 1. The psychoanalysis ideas of the early twentieth century in Russia had been distributed among a wide range of professionals; psychoanalytic concepts of S. Freud and his followers had been used by Russian doctors, teachers and psychologists for the systematic investigation of children in order to study their early mental development and the process of their socialization.2. Understanding of the child’s mental life in its foundations in the study of Russian psychoanalysts such as M. Wolf, I.D. Ermakov, V.F. Schmidt, S. Spielrein, etc. does not contradict the cultural-historical theory ideas of L.S. Vygotsky. The shift of focus towards the child’s constitutional development study is balanced by the analysts understanding of the environment creation necessary for their socialization, and practical recommendations for teachers and educators. 3. Many ideas of Russian analysts regarding the child’s development anticipated the ideas of Western ones, but they were interrupted by the historical conditions of Russia development in the 1920s. 4. Social and cultural conditions in Russia of the 1920s and 1930s prevented psychoanalytic ideas developing further because of the acute demands of reality: the country’s social situation crisis, the necessity to develop fast effective psychological means of help for a child and a teacher, the lack of the required number of experts in this field, a large number of children and other problems.5. The restoration and interpretation of Russian psychoanalysts’ ideas in the 1920s in the field of childhood are important for modern researchers. On the basis of this material they understand the uniqueness of the historical development path of domestic psychological knowledge about a child and the introduction of psychoanalytic ideas in the field of child development into the modern psychological knowledge circulation.


child’s mental life, psychoanalysis ideas, socialization, teachers, educators, social conditions, cultural conditions, psychoanalytic ideas, child, Russia.

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