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Software systems and computational methods

Zaretskiy A.P., Kuleshov A.P., Gromyko G.A. Application of Gaussian functions to Mathematical Modeling of Endocardial Signals

Abstract: The subject of the research presented by the authors of the article is the mathematical models of endocardial signals from the main electrophysiological parts of the heart with the specified amplitude-time characteristics of information fragments. The authors of the article offer the mechanism for extending the mathematical models in order to generate normal and/or pathological states of the atrioventricular system conducting endocardial electrical impulses. The article contains the results of the comparison of modeled and actual endocardial signals recorded in the course of minimally invasive eletrophysiological examination. These results demonstrate that the designed models are appropriate and applicable for modeling endocardial signals coming from different parts of the heart. The research method used by the authors is the mathematical modeling using Gaussian functions approximating set elements of the endocardial signal coming from different parts of the intracardial space. The main conclusions of the research are the following: - the authors have proved that Guassian functions are applicable for the aforesaid purposes; - they have also described possible modifications of used functions for modeling signals from other endocardial spheres such as the left atrium pulmonary vein entry, mitral aortal zone and other zones  clinical electrophysiologists are particularly interested in; the authors have also demonstrated how the research results can be implemented in the form of the hardware and software complexes using the modern methodologies for assessing efficiency of treating complex heart rhythm disorders. 


radio frequency ablation, asymmetrical function, heart conduction system, electrophysiological study, Gaussian functions, endocardial signals, atrial fibrillation, heart process modeling, atrioventricular conductin

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