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National Security

Ursul, A.D. Ecological perspective of security and development: methodological problems.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the possibility of formation of an ecological paradigm in science based on the synergetic concept of general ecology. Ecological development is viewed as an integral one, which is aimed to change the inner situation within an eco-system, which may include co-evolution of a central member and an ecological environment. The author offers to use eco-systemic approach, which would allow to create a more secure social and natural environment, as a basis for the guarantees of the security of the future model. The author shows that it is possible to single out the key and principally different types of environmentalization of economic activities, which are closely related to the two forms of material production: agriculture and industry.


social studies, security, security via stable development, environmentalization, ecological security, ecological paradigm, eco-development, eco-system.

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