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Philosophy and Culture

Senyutkin K.V. Value orientations in views of Chaadaev upon Russia’s historical fate

Abstract: This article attempts to analyze the genesis of the Russian thinker P. Y. Chaadaev, as well as antinomy of his views upon the historical fate and mission of Russia in the global cultural-historical process. The author analyzes the process of reevaluation on the brink of the two latest centuries, and ways of overcoming and exit from this systemic crisis. The subject of this work is Chaadaev’s outlook upon the fate of Russia, humanity, and Christianity in their assemblage, development, and transformation that were studied in close relation with the history of spiritual and intellectual establishment of the thought. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this work represents a special research of Chaadaev’s views upon the fate of Russia, in which his ideas are examined in combination, development, and transformation based on his well-known publications in tight connection with his spiritual and intellectual formation. Russian thinkers is studied not from the perspective of a representative of particular sociopolitical doctrine, but rather an “living” person with independent ideologies, who completely dedicates himself to cognition of this world, and repeatedly but sincerely changes his point of view upon the historical designation of Russia and Orthodoxy.


Religion, Tradition, Values, Nihilism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Providentialism, West, Russia, P. Y. Chaadaev

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