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Philosophy and Culture

Korotkikh V.I. The problem of correlation between ethical and religious consciousness in the history of culture: philosophical ethics and K. N. Leontiev

Abstract:  This article discusses the problem of correlation between ethics and religion, considering K. N. Leontiev’s concept of “transcendental egoism” and the disputes about the role of moral in culture, which took place in Russia of the late XIX century due to the works of Dostoevsky and other Russian writers. The author determines the specificity of ethical and religious consciousness, underlines the difficulty of their possible harmonic combination, and substantiates the necessity of turning to the analysis of the existed in the history of culture assessments of the problem of correlation between ethics and religion for better understanding of the processes that appear in the modern Russian society.  The author points out the need for consideration of the universality of ethnical consciousness, which hinders the interpretation of the moral as one of the components of religious culture. The innovative character of the conducted analysis manifests in comparison of the concept of “transcendental egoism” with the approach of “autonomous ethics” towards the substantiation of morality and utilization of the extensive historical-philosophical and historical-cultural context.  


transcendental egoism, autonomous ethics, philosophical ethics, Christian culture, interpretation of Christianity, religion, ethics, culture, V.V. Rozanov, K. N. Leontiev

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