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Philosophy and Culture

Sharova V.L. Russian world as a form of geocultural integration (to certain positions of P. B. Struve theory of culture)

Abstract: The subject of this article is the analysis of integration possibilities and disintegration risks of the “Russian world” – a phenomenon that lately has attained a new sound, as well as became a subject for an extensive public discussion. The author makes an accent on the fact that the “Russian world” concept was being formed simultaneously in several platitudes: political, ethnical, economic, and cultural; thus the specificity of such phenomenon should undergo a comprehensive examination. Special attention is given to the issue of how the “Russian world” became an element of the Russian political culture; how harmoniously and/or controversially it combines ethnical, imperial, and national beginnings; which practical meanings can be determined with regards to this notion today. Based on the analysis of the theories on the heritage of the Russian philosophical thought, an attempt was made to translate a number of positions, associated with the “Russian world” concept, upon the modern sociopolitical reality of Russia, as well as critically apprehend the positive, promising, and potentially dangerous variants of interpretation of this notion in the current context. An impression can be formed that the term “Russian world” is an element of the present political language. At the same time, the attempts to mark the limits of the Russian world and to find its conceptual seed are taking place over a decade, and are certainly located not just in the political rhetoric, but also have a vivid philosophical aim.  The article presents a number of conclusions pertaining to the current stage of existence of the Russian world, which has to overcome the inner contradictions, and continues developing in the conditions of significant geopolitical shifts and complication of the sociopolitical space.


nationalism, theory of culture, P. B. Struve, geocultural strategy, integration strategies, Russian world, empire, ethnic identity, nation, political philosophy

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