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Philosophy and Culture

Malinkin A.N. Collecting of orders and decorations of RSFSR, USSR, and RF by private parties in Russia: cultural criminology research

Abstract: The subject of this research is the legal and moral consciousness of Russian phalerists who collects orders and decorations of RSFSR, USSR, and RF, as well as the established about them public opinion. Due to the existing criminal law, the activity of this group of Russian phalerists is illegal, therefore, their historical research carry an anonymous and confidential character. Within the established by the government public opinion, this part of the phaleristic community is demonized and marginalized. The author proves that phalerists collecting the orders and decorations of RSFSR, USSR, and RF do not pose a threat to the veterans nor the government; on the contrary, they are the potential helpers from the civilians in preservation of the historical memory, cultural values, and patriotic upbringing of the youth. The author determines the conflict between the normative and the practical levels of collection consciousness, expressed in two dilemmas, as well as defines the ways for its elimination. He demonstrated that the dilemma of legal awareness that emerged under the influence of the Article 324 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and makes to choose between the lawful behaviors and collecting orders and decorations of RSFSR, USSR, and RF, although being quite real, is imaginary in it essence; and the moral dilemma which makes to choose between the clean conscience and the desire of the fame of others, is illusionary in its essence.  The author concludes that the abolition of the Article 324 of the CCRF in its current state or editorial changes that are capable of transferring it into the Civil Code of the Russian Federation decriminalizes the activity of tens of thousands of collectors and legalizes the discourse on all Russian decorations. Legalization of the discourse on Soviet and Russian decoration phaleristics is necessary from the historical, cultural, and ideological points of view. It will dilute the criminogenic fields in the economics of culture, revitalize the social moral, and produce a long-term effect of the intergeneration solidarity.


Social ethics, Moral consciousness, Legal consciousness, Intergeneration communication, Historical memory, Patriotism, Discourse on state decorations, Criminal law, Cultural criminology, Collection of orders and decorations

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