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Philosophy and Culture

Dmitrieva E.V. Value and creative work as the components of religious culture

Abstract: The object of this research is the religious culture and peculiarities of its implementation within the framework of such essential components as value, creative work, and freedom. The subject is the creative process and hierarchy of values in a specific form of their existence in the context of this type of culture. Creative work and value are examined as the fundamental components of culture as a whole and religious culture in particular. The author demonstrates the conditionality of the creative and value components of religious culture by the religious faith. Religious work in Christianity is represented in two of its varieties the divine and the human, the common essence of which is marked as the nearing of the divine and the human, their correlation based on the New Testament axiom “in His image and His likeness”. In creative process, a human who continues the work of the Creator, expands the limits of the being he is accustomed to, and determines the anthropomorphical essences of “universal doing”. The values of religious culture are imperative and ostensive, but can also have an axiological form of “eternal and saving soul” values as orienteers of structuring the work based on the unconditional requirements of the Absolute. The definition of specificity of religious culture through substantiation of the specific existence of the creative and value components within it, comprises the scientific novelty of this research. The specificity is religious culture is being clarified on the example of Christian Orthodox culture, which gives the key towards understanding the peculiarities of Russian culture.


basic components of culture, levels of freedom, freedom, creation, value, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, religious culture, culture, religious dogma

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