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Philosophy and Culture

Lanovskiy M.F. Deliberative model of bioethics: humanitarian convergence or social technique for the liberal communities?

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the examination of the modern bioethics from the perspective of its methodology and public practice. The author briefly describes the history of emergence of bioethics and gives characteristic to its current state. Initially, bioethics was forming as an area of knowledge tightly linked to the academic philosophy, philosophy of medicine and natural science, and in addition to that based on the practices of discussion. However, in the last two decades bioethics is substantially growing under the influence of new actors – socio-political and economic structures. The discussion processes become a dominant way of solution of the acute problems of biomedicine, being realized among broadest audience. The author illustrates how the socio-political procedure of deliberation becomes a methodology of the modern bioethics and supersedes its philosophical concept.  At the same time, two modi of deliberation established within the socio-political sphere, are suggested for the interpretation of the processes in the modern bioethics: “democratic deliberation” and “authoritarian deliberation”. The author demonstrates what flaws are hidden in the “democratic deliberation” and the ideology of consensus, promoted in bioethics.


bioetika, bioeticheskie problemy, konsensus, kazuistika, obshchestvennoe obsuzhdenie, obshchestvennaya politika, deliberativnaya demokratiya, avtoritarnaya deliberatsiya, eticheskie komitety

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