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Philosophy and Culture

Knyazev V.N., Fedorin V.V. Development of genetics and philosophical-ethical understanding of human

Abstract: The subject of this research is the cultural-historical and philosophical-ethical aspects of the establishment and development of genetics. For more than to millenniums, various philosophical schools were differently interpreting the place of human in the world. The relevance of this topic is justified by the importance of the analysis of genetic ideas within the philosophical understanding of a human. Rapid development of genetics, bloom of biotechnologies generates today. and even clearly in future, the research of multiple worldview and methodological questions that contribute in to the philosophy of science. Scientific novelty in the philosophy of science consists in the ability of a researched to professionally analyze the achievements of the modern science in the aspects of worldview, epistemological, methodological, and sociocultural importance. The author determines the significance of genetic researches for explanation of the correlation between biological and socio-cultural factors in studying of the human conscience. Researches on the genetic structure of a human and their social consequences are being analyzed. All of these researches are extremely important for the future of humanity. Main conclusion consists in the following: human cognition does not seem possible without philosophical reasoning of the problems of study of biological foundation of psychics, as well as without the further in-depth understanding of interrelation between genetic and social in a human.


filosofiya biologii, priroda cheloveka, geneticheskoe konstruirovanie, filosofiya nauki, proekt Roberta Grema, evgenika, izmeneniya cheloveka

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