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Philosophy and Culture

Solonenko Ya.A. Causality Category in Classical and Contemporary Sciences (Epistemological, Synergetic and Socio-Cultural Aspects)

Abstract: In this research Solonenko analyzes one of the important but understudied scientific issues in modern philosophical literature - the problem of causality. The author of the article traces back peculiarities of studying causality at all historical stages of scientific developing including classical, nonclassical and postclassical periods. In the course of analyzing causality, the author touches upon the the main three aspects of the problem, i.e. epistemological, synergetic and socio-cultural aspects. According to the author of the article, the analysis of these three aspects allows to privde a better insight into the contents and definition of causality as well as to understand the role perfomed by causality in the history of science in general and at the modern postnonclassical stage in particular. Based on researches of the Academy member V. Stepin, doctors of philosophy V. Arshinov, V. Budanov and other modern authors, the author of the article applies the systems-evolutionary method and synergetic methodological paradigm. As a result of long scientific inquiries at the end of the XXth - beginning of the XXIth centuries and after appearance of the synergetic methodology and paradigm in nonclassical science, all the previous causative concepts on the world were reviewed and the contemporary or so called postnonclassical stage started in scientific research and theoretical interpretation of causality. Based on the synergetic methodology, non-linear (or probabilistic) causality was discovered in contemporary postnonclassical science, the most brilliant examples being the quantum objects of the physical microworld and self-developing evolutionary systems of nature and society. 


epistemological aspects of causality, cause-and-effect relations, indeterminism, neo-determinism, non-linear determinism, probabilistic causality, non-linear causality, causality, synergetic aspects of causality, socio-cultural aspects of causality

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