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Philosophy and Culture

Leushkin R.V. Virtual Social Communication: Transcendence or Transgression?

Abstract: This article presents the study of system and structural properties of concrete forms of social communication at a certain stage of their formation and development. The comparative research of various historical forms of social communication presented as the procedural aspects of the functioning of social communication systems. In particular, the author focuses on virtual communication as a form of social communication. The author views transcendentalism and transgression as the methods of provision of such type of communication. The former is presented in the structuralist approach to the study, the latter is presented  in the constructivist approach. Within the framework of the present research the concept of virtual social communication is based on the structural-functional and socio-constructivist approaches. The study explicated such modes of existence of virtual social communication as a virtual social space and virtual social time. It is established that regulation of the virtual social communication involves both structural and constructivist factors. At the end of the article the author makes a conclusion that further studies of virtual social phenomena can be productive only if they take into account the dual nature of such phenomena. 


polyontism, social constructionism, structuralism, transgression, virtual social communication, social communication system, virtual social space, social structure, social construct, virtualization

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