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Financial Law and Management

Galuzo V.N. On the System of Customs Payments in the Russian Federation

Abstract: The paper offers a grounded judgment about the use of term "system of customs payments" in the narrow sense of the word. The study investigates regularities relating to customs payments. It notes that the customs payments represent a set of customs duties and customs fees, i.e. the system of customs payments must be seen in the narrow sense of the word. The list of customs payments is included in the Customs Code of the Customs Union and the Federal Law of 19 November 2010 "On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation." The study applies a comparative legal method of investigation as well as analysis and synthesis. The author conclusions are as follows: customs payments represent a system including custom duties and customs fees; the customs payments classification is admissible. The novelty of the study resides in the use of systematic approach to the definition of "the system of customs payments". The author emphasizes that solely the customs legislation is the legal basis for the system of customs payments.


import customs duties, customs payments, Customs Union, the Republic Kazakhstan, Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation, export customs duties, Customs Code, customs fees, customs law

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