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Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market

Palyonova N. A. The catharsis of industrial construction

Abstract: Housing is one of the most important issues in all periods of history. The solution to it was discovered in XX-eth century. Almost everywhere, despite of national and government differences, standard-project housing was being erected – cheap, low-quality and limited operational periods. In Moscow, this solution lead to the emergence of an entire zone of industrial habitation (located between the Central and the Third ring roads). Currently, such housing is below the requirements of the population. Is it possible to solve the problem of decadence for a huge section of the Capital’s housing fund? This article examines foreign approaches to solving this problem and offers adapted solutions for Moscow, taking into account its specific needs, traits and development vectors. Moscow’s development research shows that its growth is multi-directional. The eastern hemisphere of the city follows the way of high-rise block buildings, while the western is more focused on individual suburban architecture. Moreover, the south-eastern part of the New Moscow, has plans for individual and low-rise buildings. Without a doubt, this is not necessarily an evidence for classic suburbanization of Moscow, there are, however, objective conditions to support this kind of process.


industrial construction, housing construction, panel building, urbanization, suburbanization, urban development, urban environment, housing, renovation, improvement and redevelopment

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